
The 8 best websites to find telecommuting or remote work


Telecommuting and remotely work

It must be recognized that teleworking is already a reality and increasingly common. Every day a for this type of employment and therefore, also more websites that offer jobs remotely.

But what are the best portals to find telecommuting?


What advantages does telecommuting have?

First, before anything else, let’s see what advantages this type of work has.

For almost all professional profiles

The most striking thing is that you can work from home without moving and it is a valid option for almost any professional profile : editors, programmers, graphic designers, translators, HR, administrative support staff, marketing consultants, photographers, etc.


Greater freedom and flexibility

Another of the greatest benefits is that you do not have to comply with a stipulated schedule and that helps you to follow a rhythm and work methodology that best suits your needs.

This has a positive impact on your day to day life.

Facilitates reconciliation

On the one hand, it facilitates reconciliation . Since it is over having to give up much of your family and social life to attend to your work. And so you may find a balance between your personal and professional life. But hey, that’s another very controversial topic, so we leave it for another day.

Work anywhere

On the other hand, it allows you to carry out your work anywhere, it does not have to be your usual address. Imagine the possibility of traveling around the world while “working” (if the pandemic makes it clear), or being able to work from your little house in town, from the beach or simply from the garden of your house.

Companies benefit

And finally, if we see it from the point of view of companies, they also benefit.

According to data from the National Employment Institute, professionals who work remotely tend to be up to 25% more productive.

And do you know the reason? Because they are happier. They appreciate flexibility, they spend more time and save on travel. Both parties win.

8 best websites to find remote work

Now let’s get to the point. We bring you the best list of web pages to find telecommuting.

1. Freelancer

It has millions of projects published every day. So something sure to find.

Pretty easy to use. You register, check the published job offers by filtering by location, skills, language, budget, etc. or searching by keywords, and sign up for the offer you want by sending a message to the employer.

There is work in areas such as software development, writing, virtual assistants, design, sales, marketing, and accounting services. Come on, everything. Short or long-term collaborations of all kinds: in SMEs, large companies, and in all sectors.

A recommendation: try to get recommendations or reviews in each project you participate, they will help you.

2. Malt

Malt works a little differently, because here it is the employer who does the searching for the profile they need, there is no need to publish an offer.

If, for example, a businessman needs a graphic designer, he will contact the profiles he has found that he liked the most and make them a proposal.

For this reason, on pages like this iyou must workwell on the positioning of your profile, completing it as much as possible and including examples of your work. It’s the best way to get deals.

3. Upwork

It is one of the platforms that we like the most. It has 1.5 million customers and hundreds of offers every hour. The downside is that it is in English. So if you have no idea of ​​English, you already have your first challenge!

The other “downside” is that once you register and complete your profile, they review it, and they tell you if they accept you or not. They are a bit selective, but it’s worth it.

They have tons of offers from companies from all over the world and the platform is very easy to use and comfortable, either to communicate or to learn how to use it. In addition, if you become a top-rated freelancer, you will access large companies or better projects at an international level. Write it down because it’s worth trying.

4. Domestika

It is the leading job portal for professionals in the creative world  Although it is not exactly a portal for freelance projects, it does have a section for remote jobs.

Domestika covers the world of design, advertising, marketing, web development, and content creation.

5. People per hour

If you are a designer, developer, marketing expert, this is your platform.

It has the peculiarity that it combines the traditional format of telecommuting websites that we have seen: the employer publishes an offer and the candidate applies, with a different format, the gig format in which professionals can also advertise offering their products, services, or skills.

Another important detail: it is a platform founded in the United Kingdom, so it is in English, although later it is always possible to find projects in Spanish.

6. Fiverr

And if we talk about gigs, we have to talk about the quintessential gig website: Fiverr 

On this platform, you can offer almost any type of digital service or product. From the traditional: logo design, article writing… to consulting for the Tinder profile or people who sing songs to surprise your partner. We have seen everything.

The good news is that you do not have to be aware of looking for offers. You publish a gig on this website with what you offer and wait for them to hire you. As simple as that.

7. Twago

It is a great platform for remote jobs where you can find jobs at a European level. 

It works through credits. In the beginning, if you follow the instructions they give you (fill in your telephone number, complete your profile…) they will give you up to 50 free credits so that you can present yourself as a candidate for projects. Next, you will have to choose a payment plan.

The most demanded categories are the”x usuax3axl ones: programming, design, writing, and marketing.

8. Indeed and info jobs

We can not forget this list of general work websites  They are just as useful and very intuitive and easy to use. You just have to put the word “telecommuting” in the search engine and many offers will appear.

Then, you fill out the form to register, upload or create your CV, and sign up for those that interest you.

What do you think of the best websites to find telecommuting offers?

As you have seen, multiple platforms offer to telecommute

Each website offers different remote job offers and works differently. The important thing is that you choose, based on your profile and your preferences, the teleworking website that best suits you and your needs so that you get that job or project that suits you.

The rest works as usual. The company posts an offer and the freelancer applies for the job offer.

More focused nonprofessionals in the area of ​​design, marketing, programming, and writing.

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