
10 Effective tips for going to work abroad



Many Latin American graduates or professionals dream of working abroad at some point in their careers.

They are aware that this decision can change their lives forever, on a personal, intellectual and professional level.


Job opportunities abroad are increasingly attractive in salary terms, and it should also be noted that in many countries the quality of life is excellent.

1. Choose a destination and investigate in depth

virtual travel agency If you are thinking of working abroad, the first thing you should do is identify the country that most attracts you (from a work perspective).

Currently, Australia, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand and Spain are some of the most attractive countries for Latin Americans who want to enter the international market.


However, you must identify the one that best suits your professional skills, the lifestyle you would like to adopt, and above all, the salary you could receive.

Remember that in some destinations, the cost of living is higher than in others, and that in English-speaking countries you must prove your command of the language.

Ideally, you should thoroughly investigate the country to which you would like to move for work reasons, so that you can design a successful migration plan in every way.

2. Adapt your resume to the international market

The starting point for those who want to work abroad is to adapt their resume to the international market.

It should be mentioned that each country has a predefined style in terms of writing resumes. In this sense, it is essential that you adapt yours to the demands of your potential destination.

For example, in some localities employers prefer CVs not to include photographs, as they have a clear anti-discrimination policy.

While employers in other foreign cities prefer short and concise resumes, rather than those that have numerous pages of information.

So if you want to start your job search abroad on the right foot, one of the first things you should do is adapt your CV to the country where you would like to move.

3. Identify the work experience you want to take advantage of

Identify the Work experience you want to take advantage

successful work teamIt is entirely possible to work abroad under different premises or modalities. Consequently, you can:

Work and study simultaneously.

Opt for temporary employment.

Apply to a job with which you can establish yourself for life in a foreign country.

Everything will depend on your particular interests, or the professional goals you have in the future.

That is why it is crucial that you identify the work experience that you would like to live in international territory from the beginning.

In this way, you will have a clear path to follow, as well as the processes and steps that you must follow so that your work experience abroad is satisfactory and sustainable.

4. Prepare your documentation

Prepare your documentation

One of them is to prepare your professional documentation; that which endorses your competencies, skills and experiences in a certain career, trade or occupation.

In most cases, academic titles, certificates or diplomas must be translated, legalized and validated.

This process is necessary and useful to determine what grade they are equivalent to, within the educational system of the destination country.

So that information is very valuable for recruiters, since it allows them to know precisely if you have the academic level required for the position to which you have applied.

A good piece of advice that we can give you is to translate these documents in your country of origin, especially if you live in Latin America, since the prices are more affordable than abroad.

It may interest you: 6 Strategies to earn money in dollars living in Latin America

5. Take a language certification exam

Take a language certification exam

If your plan is to work abroad, specifically in a country where English is the mother tongue, it is imperative that you take an official language certification exam.

Some destinations such as England or Ireland require the presentation of the IELTS test. According to the British Council, this is the most important international test to validate English proficiency.

While in the United States most companies require the presentation of the TOEFL.

However, you should know that there are specific tests to certify the command of this language in relation to certain careers or professions.

For example, if you want to work in the legal or accounting field, you must take English tests specially designed for these skills.

Consequently, you will have to investigate which is the proof that corresponds to you to present, depending on the international destination that you have in mind.

That way you will save money and time; since these language exams are usually expensive.

6. Sign up for online job boards

Sign up online job boards like linkedin

There are currently numerous online job boards where you can register and start your job searches. These are the most popular of 2022:

• EuroJobs: Ideal to look for a job in 42 European countries.

• LinkedIn Platform: Allows you to explore the labor market around the world.

• Irisjobs: Specifically designed to look for work in Ireland.

• Indeed: It is available in more than 50 countries; Therefore, it could be very beneficial for you.

• Transitions Abroad: From this portal you can access company directories and connect with other people who have already worked abroad.

7. Network on your social networks

Network on your social networks

Networking, or building a network of contacts in your social networks, can help you get a job outside your borders.

These channels offer you the possibility of connecting with potential employers, entrepreneurs, institutions, colleagues, entrepreneurs or multinationals.

Therefore, you need to invest time on networks like LinkedIn to get on the radar of your potential employers.

Also, remember that you can perform this task from wherever you are and at no cost.

8. Look for job offers online

Look for job offers online

The Internet can become a great ally when exploring opportunities to work abroad.

You can visit some online platforms to get a job abroad, as would be the case with:

• FlexJobs.

• PubliPega.

• Jobpresso.

• LinkedIn.

If you really dream of being hired in an international company, you need to do everything in your power to facilitate the process.

This includes conducting searches for yourself that are related to your professional profile, experience, skills, abilities or competencies.

9. Process the corresponding visa

visa to start a business in the United States If you are lucky enough to be hired abroad, you must start the process of your work visa.
In this way you will be able to carry out your functions or professional activities legally, that is, without violating the laws in force in the new destination.
Many times your employers can offer you help with the application for this type of visa, but if that is not the case, it is best to consult an expert.
That way you will know exactly what to do, which documents you need to have updated and at hand, and how much money that procedure will cost you.

10. Research the culture and cost of living of the destination country
how to make a budget

Those who want to move to a foreign country, in search of better opportunities for personal and professional growth, should not only worry about their salaries.
They also need to pay attention to the culture of the new country, as well as its cost and quality of life.
In this way they will be able to assess if their salary compensation will allow them to cover their basic needs successfully, or if they will be able to lead the lifestyle they want.
The idea is that you know how much money you will earn and what your monthly expenses will be. This way you can consider whether or not it is worth accepting a job offer abroad, or if it is better for you to evaluate other options.

Evolve professionally with an international job:

If your dream is to work abroad, we invite you to follow the recommendations that we have just shared with you.
They are really useful and necessary to increase your chances of being hired by a company abroad.
Remember that getting a job in a North American, Asian or European country could change your life forever.
Therefore, if you think you are ready to take this step on a professional level, think no more and get to work.

Continue reading: The most-in demand job in 2022

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