
Reasons why students need technology in their studies


In everyday dialogues, the task of the teacher is usually reduced to just “teaching”, understanding by this the fact of providing a lesson on a certain topic. However, the facts show that it must do much more to effectively transmit some kind of knowledge to its students.

It has been a long time since the teachers of this century discarded the classic annual plans and projections, preferring those that are more flexible and that allows a closer approach to students and their needs. In the search for this advance, the classrooms themselves have changed, accompanying the very development of the students.  


In an educational context surrounded by problems that, although they do not strictly respond to educational aspects, harm the task that the teacher performs in the classroom, he must fulfill other roles. School bullying, the constant jokes, and aggressions that all kinds of students receive mean that new strategies are needed to accompany these new realities. Because of this, students have changed, presenting some special needs that teachers must attend to stress, low self-esteem, pressure, etc.

It is at this point where technology comes into play, as a method to assist the teacher in eliminating differences within the classroom and to empower students. Introducing technological elements strictly designed for educational environments allows, among other things, to create collaborative environments in the classroom that eliminate the tensions that are generated outside of it but affect the learning that is intended to be transmitted there.

But what are the most important skills in the learning process?


These new optics force us to pay attention and develop skills that a few years ago were not so important. The objective of education has always been to train autonomous people capable of developing and living in society and, today more than ever, we must train people and future professionals with skills that allow them to develop in a changing and plural society. Let’s look at some of the most important skills according to Microsoft Classroom:

Ability to collaborate and work as a team :

 In the professional field, there are very few jobs that are developed individually and in general, all projects require collaboration with different professionals, so developing this ability is essential. Teamwork collaboratively allows the generation of knowledge, facilitates the development of individual skills, encourages problem-solving, as well as respect among equals and cohesion towards the same objective or goal.

Ability to communicate, present and convince : 

Public speaking is a compulsory subject in some educational systems and allows the development of some of the most useful skills for professional development. During the school stage, we focus a lot on developing certain communication skills, but oral communication often comes second. Knowing how to express ideas in an orderly and coherent way, knowing how to synthesize the information that we want to communicate, knowing how to communicate in front of an audience dynamically and attractively, etc. These are skills that are not always enhanced and that are of great importance in the professional field.

Develop projects and provide solutions to complex situations: 

Design a project from start to finish, going through each of its phases, solving problems in different areas, etc. It is what will allow our students to become competent professionals. Project work allows learning in a globalized way, applying knowledge from different areas, and putting very different skills into practice. It is the methodology that will encourage the resolution of real-life situations by putting their knowledge into practice in a coherent and organized manner.

Promote self-sufficiency and responsibility: 

Training self-sufficient people is one of the main objectives of education and there is no better way to achieve it than making them competent people capable of solving real-life situations. Propose case studies, make them participate in the administration and management of the classroom, promote peer help, etc. It will allow us to develop the self-esteem, self-sufficiency, and responsibility that we expect.

Autonomous construction of knowledge and guided discovery: 

Learning is a process that continues throughout life and for this reason, we must be able to train students to learn This ability will allow you to build your knowledge, self-manage the learning process, select the resources you need, overcome your limits, etc.

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