
How to create a profitable online store

Profitable online store


After thinking a lot about the advantages and disadvantages, you finally decide to invest in e-commerce. And now,  how to create an online store?  Where to start? What are the criteria to be successful in this business?

Who clarifies the doubts and points out the priorities for entrepreneurs who are starting in this segment is the e-commerce consultant Yayi Jani. She keeps reading and learns how to act in these cases.


E-commerce has marked growth in Nigeria 

The numbers of electronic commerce in Nigeria can surprise: the volume negotiated went from $400 million to U800 million.

According to the Digital, Social & Mobile Report, from the We Are Social agency, there are more than three billion Internet users worldwide. In Africa alone, there are 500 million peopleAfricacted. This number corresponds to approximately 65% ​​of the region’s population, which reveals the growth potential of the sector.

In addition, with the growing confidence in electronic processes, both by those who sell and by those who buy, and the popularization of digital platforms, the trend is for online sales to continue growing.


Discover how to create an online store

This growth ends up the increasing competition. Therefore, it is necessary to look for ways to differentiate to attract, stimulate, and retain the consumer. To explain in a simple way how to create an online store, we address the matter in topics:


For e-commerce consultant Emma Kane, finding a good programmer is the first step to creating an online store. ‘you need someone, or preferably a team, who is an expert in the sector and understands your demand’, she clarifies. ‘To do this, it is worth analyzing the work already done by the programmers, checking, on all platforms, the administration area (controlled by the entrepreneur) and the consumer version.’


Then, it is necessary to evaluate the e-commerce platforms available in the market. They are divided into three grow, sources, and paid.  ‘There is nothing wrong with f, ree, or open-source platforms for e-commerce. The open-source is more important to choose a good programmer to work with than to worry about the platform,’ points out the specialist.

For her, a good professional in the sector will be able to analyze more properly which is the best option for your need. Criteria such as security, flexibility, metrics, design, and scalability need to be considered.


Many people are still wary of shopping online, either because of previous experiences, stories from relatives, or simple skepticism about the quality of, the processes. Your task is to ensure that the client has all precautions taken care of. Pay special attention to the contract with payment intermediaries.

Digital marketing

Investing in a virtual store also implies digital marketing expenses. Evaluate the main options: SEO, Google Adwords, Newsletter, etc. Build a campaign based on the behavior of your target audience.


To be successful and not fail your customers, risking losing the sale and the trust of consumers, you must have support capable of solving technical problems. Preferably,  ok for a company that provides service 24 hours a day.

The virtual store should focus on the user experience

For Emma Kane, the main concern of those who invest in a virtual store should be the consumer experience of the user. ‘It takes a combination of resources to be successful in business. In addition to ensuring that you will be easily found online, you must maintain a reliable, attra, active, and user-friendly website,’ she explains.


Finally, to achieve success and obtain the desired results, the consultant says that it is necessary to constantly invest in attracting new clients, guaranteeing the growth of the platform in a sustainable way.

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