
Five (5) tips to be a content writer for blogs

Content writing


The Internet has drastically changed the way we do many things every day, it has facilitated various tasks and brought us closer to information, and has even created new job opportunities that we can do from home.

One of the jobs that have emerged thanks to the internet, at least in the digital medium, is that of a content writer or editor, especially when blogs are a very popular way to get content to various people and even to make money.

Many people enjoy writing and would consider themselves good enough to create good content and make writing their full-time job or source of extra income, so content writing could be their dream job.


Preparation for content writing work

The first thing that many people would consider as an obstacle or a necessity is to have a university degree, especially ones related to literature, writing, or a degree in the humanities.

Indeed, a degree in a field like literature, languages, creative writing or even psychology could help you tremendously, not just because of the certification but because you’ll probably be used to reading, writing, and understanding the language or people.

But you don’t have to have a college degree at all, which is one of the best things about this job. Whether you don’t have a degree or do have one in something like science or engineering, the important thing is to enjoy writing, have knowledge in different areas, and be willing to practice.


1. Read daily

Since we are little our parents, relatives and other adults tend to emphasize how important reading is; But for many of us as children, recreational reading has never been as enjoyable.

However, the importance attributed to this activity is real, and not only if you want to dedicate yourself to writing content, but for anyone, because through books, articles, or essays, we can learn, enjoy, experience emotions, and better understand the world.

In addition to these clear advantages, reading will help us expand our vocabulary and better formulate our ideas. Therefore, it is worth reading different types of content, from technical books, novels, news, and articles.

2. Know your language and learn others

The medium we use to express our ideas as content writers is language, and we probably specialize in the language we speak best, usually our mother tongue, but we could also write in more than one language.

This is reason enough for us to make sure we know the right words to express an idea in the best way, as well as knowing synonyms and being able to explain something clearly; all this can be obtained by reading, listening, and also studying other languages.

When we study other languages, especially one that shares its origin with ours, for example, learning French for a Spanish speaker or even English or any other language, will help you to be more aware of the origin of words and to be able to achieve sources of information in other languages.

3. Take advantage of what you are passionate about

We could have a passion that is not very common or that not many people are interested in knowing, which could make us believe that there is no space in our newsroom to talk about it.

But each thing that we know how to do or that we simply understand well can expand our general knowledge. For example, if you enjoy programming or biology, you might see the world more logically or understand life better, which can benefit your writing as well as provide you with new writing topics.

4. Tell the truth

There is a popular phrase that says Content is King, which can be translated as Content is King, and which refers to the importance and prevalence of content (written, multimedia, audiovisual, audio) on a website, such as a blog.

Therefore, it is natural that we want people to read the entire article that we have written; but we should be careful not to confuse making content attractive with lying or promising things that are unproven or don’t work for everyone.

5. Make the content easy to understand

Especially when we are talking about something that we are not passionate about or that we know very well, we may end up writing something that could seem very complex for people with little or no knowledge on the subject.

Of course, there are technical topics that we wouldn’t expect someone without the knowledge or interest to understand or want to read, but it’s good practice to try to explain as naturally as you can what you’re trying to explain; this could make the content more accessible and help interested people without the necessary prior knowledge.

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