
Discover the 7 most required professional skills by the market

Most required professional skills for marketing


More than accumulating technical knowledge and professional skills, the market requires socio-emotional skills, capable of enhancing your productivity and assertiveness.

We are in a moment of transformation of the current reality. Whether through work relationships, paradigm shifts, quick decisions taken to meet the needs of a dynamic and changing world… the truth is that things are changing and fast.

As much as the current education system is guided by grades and evaluations, fundamentally based on preparation for university entrance exams, the market is moving to the other side, demanding emotionally stable, empathetic, collaborative people capable of co-creating.


In short, to be part of a world in constant transformation, it is essential to develop knowledge beyond those acquired in college. These are the so-called socio-emotional skills that are standing out even with specific knowledge.

Here in this post, we are going to talk more about which skills are required by the new economy and, also, how to develop each one of them. Come with us!

What does the market expect from you?

It is worth noting that the basic curriculum of most institutions gives priority to the teaching of technical skills and often neglects the integral formation of the individual.


So, there is a misalignment between what is taught at school and what is expected by the job market. One of the biggest reflections of this is the pre-university phase, where many students find themselves lost when they have to choose between careers, an evident indication of a lack of self-knowledge.

Therefore, this post has two functions: to show what professional skills are required and, at the same time, to point out directions on how to develop them. Thus, you will be able to prepare yourself to enter the job market with focus and dexterity. Let’s go to them:

Discover the seven professional skills required

1) Self-knowledge

As we mentioned above, choosing a profession is a great challenge, accompanied by various individual and social pressures. Thus, only a person with self-knowledge will be able to decide clearly.

Precisely because it is a determining factor for certain life choices, this skill is required by companies. It involves positivity, resilience, knowing how to explore your potential and manage your weaknesses. Self-knowledge is a skill that often takes a lifetime to develop.

It is an internal process where it is important to be aware, to be willing to ask for help, to look within, and to get rid of certain behaviors. There are several ways to start practicing these actions, some examples are meditation, reading, and psychological help.

2) Emotional intelligence

In an increasingly technological world, there is constant concern about the impact of artificial intelligence on the future of work. At the same time, the trend is towards increasing diversity, multicultural environments, and interaction between areas and departments.

All these factors combined point to the need for high emotional intelligence, which in short, shows how a professional relates and reacts to everyday situations.

This skill is crucial for the corporate world and the job market because it is fundamental in management and leadership roles, mainly due to the need to manage increasingly different profiles and, most of the time, from different generations.

To develop emotional intelligence it is important, first, to learn to manage professional challenges in a balanced way. This includes dealing with one’s emotions, how to react to stressful situations, group relationships, etc.

3) Flexibility

Considering that we live in a constantly changing world, being a flexible and adaptable person is a matter of survival. The most controlling and rigid professionals, with difficulties in adapting quickly, will be left behind.

To develop this skill, it is necessary, first, to have empathy, to be a positive person, with a wide world and, in search of new possibilities. Listen well and pay attention, learning from the experience of the other.

In addition, be open to criticism, reflecting on what you can extract from the feedback to improve the work and apply it in solving new solutions. Understanding expectations, reflecting and opening up to the new and different are other ways to become a more flexible person.

4) Creativity

employability in the coming years is to be creative. With advances in artificial intelligence, we can say that the ability to innovate, bring solutions, or see a different approach to a given problem will be the most valued skills in the coming years.

Being creative may be easier for some than others, however, just like skills and abilities, the foundation of everything is information and execution. To develop the first part, surround yourself with references and sources of inspiration. Then apply your ideas, in practice, create prototypes and test your solutions.

5) Versatility

By 2030, about 8% to 9% of labor demand will be absorbed by professions that do not yet exist. Considering that we are facing an increasingly competitive market, with profiles in constant evolution, versatility and adaptability will be mandatory.

Thus, to stand out, it is important to know new functions, areas and constantly expand your knowledge. The more limited your scope of work, the lower your employability. In addition, multifaceted professionals accustomed to working on projects and/or temporary activities will be valued.

Versatility will be applied in adapting to different types of culture, management styles, and professional profiles. To develop this skill, it is important to be someone always willing to learn new things, is aware of trends, and eager for information.

6) Communication

Technological evolution, the increase in working from home, the dynamics of the world, social networks, memes…these factors indicate how communication has changed. For the next decades, it will be necessary to align information, reduce noise, review planning and strategy, provide a user experience and convey the appropriate message in the most diverse environments.

Thus, to develop this specific skill, it is advisable to practice active listening, listen carefully, be empathetic, wait for the right moment and expand your knowledge to build logical arguments.

7) Critical thinking

Structures within organizations are increasingly open and less hierarchical, and for that, teams are required to be prepared to be questioners. Today, there are an infinite number of sources of information available to build a valid argument.

Thus, professionals endowed with critical thinking will be those capable of making objective analyzes and evaluations, in the name of making more assertive decisions. Within this range, those who can differentiate information and seek different sources of inspiration will gain prominence.

How social-emotional skills increase your employability

Knowing yourself, being versatile, flexible, endowed with broad emotional intelligence, good communication, being creative, and able to build solid arguments… These are some of the professional skills demanded by the market today. Apart from what has been mentioned so far, there are still others that deserve to be highlighted.

For starters, one of the most important is to be agile. This means managing resources, optimizing time, and delivering results.

We talk about creativity, however, it is important to emphasize that it is essential to have good ideas and to share them. The focus is now on the team and how to think of solutions to solve old problems. The watchword is to be collaborative.

To communicate better, it is essential to develop empathy, that is, to put yourself in the other person’s shoes. Ideas need to be expressed constantly and effectively, considering the experiences of each of those involved.

Anyway, the list is long. Unlike technical skills, these skills are considered intrinsic to human beings and aligned with personal and professional values. Even so, they can still be developed, even if it is a more complex long-term process over a lifetime.

Open yourself to developing socio-emotional skills, adapting to changes, looking for constant innovation, and following the speed of new scenarios. Thus, you will build solid foundations and add value wherever you go.

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