
5 tips to develop a good digital marketing campaign

Tips on digital marketing


Did you know that digital marketing influences the early stage of consumer decisions?

We are currently in a world that is undergoing a digital transformation that is reflected in the way of doing business. Consumers are presenting changes in their behavior and new business models are being created for the different markets. That is why companies must have their digital assets identified and make the most of them through digital strategies.


Digital marketing includes all offline advertising and commercial strategies that companies execute allowing them to be adapted to the online sector, that is, to online media and channels such as blogs, websites, and social networks, among others. In this way, users can be influenced in their early decision-making stage, becoming clients that can be kept over time. 5 tips to develop a good digital marketing campaign:

Set clear goals and objectives

Before launching a campaign in digital media, it is necessary to establish the real results (figures) that are expected to be achieved, to be able to constantly re-evaluate the evolution of the campaign. As in an offline marketing campaign, you must have long, medium, and short-term objectives.


Identify the needs and behaviors of potential customers

 Before launching a digital strategy on social networks or online portals, it is important to identify what the potential consumer’s habits are: what web pages they visit, their tastes, what social networks they use, among others. This is because if the appropriate channels and tools are not clear to reach them, the investment will be in vain and will not have good results.

A single message must be identified that is clear and represents the brand

All communications, graphic pieces, or web platforms must contain the same message that reflects the concept and essence of the brand. In addition, the message must be easy to understand and identify for potential consumers and users.

It is important to create different assets and materials

 If only one graphic piece is created during the campaign, it will likely lose power since users lose interest by seeing the same materials constantly and stop attracting attention. It is advisable to have different pieces to alternate by month.

Competitors must be monitored and identified. 

It is essential to know how they are executing their campaigns and see what they are failing or what is working for them. In this way, it will be possible to see ways to improve the digital plan that is being developed, reinforce ideas, or in any case, identify which digital tools are having an effect.

Tactics and action plan

The tactic is “the how” of the Digital Marketing Plan. The question you will ask yourself, in this case, would be something like this: How am I going to achieve what I have set out to do?

This is the practical part, here we must specify each and every one of the actions that we will carry out to implement the established strategy.

We advise you to use a calendar in this case. If when you have the details of the actions that you are going to carry out, you select a date for each one of them, its execution will be simpler and more efficient.

Examples of actions in the Digital Marketing Strategy: create content on a company blog to help potential customers solve their problems, spread content on social networks to improve our relationship with the company’s different audiences, carry out advertising campaigns to generate demand and increase sales, creation of forms or landing pages with a higher conversion rate, etc.

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