
7 strategies to improve student performance

Improve student performance


The quality of education offered by your school directly interferes with student performance. This means that, in order to be a reference and gain prominence in the region in which your institution is located — and even in the national territory — it is necessary to have committed students who generate significant results in the traditional forms of evaluation.

Fulfilling this objective is only possible when you invest in efficient teaching strategies to improve student performance. From there, discover now 7 ways to invest in your institution’s teaching and learning process and count on quality students at school!


1. Measure student performance periodically

To create strategies that improve performance , it is important to understand the reality of students today and monitor the results over time. Therefore, create efficient strategies to measure student performance, both before and after implementing the changes.

You can apply tests, exams or request jobs, for example. Also invest in ways to monitor performance that deviate from the traditional, such as online games and contests.

In addition, you can combine self-assessment methodologies with traditional tools to help students develop metacognition .Studies indicate that this critical sense of one’s own performance can enhance classroom results.


2. Survey students and set goals

Before implementing new strategies to improve student performance, talk to students about improvements that can be made inside and outside the classroom. After all, there are several variables that are related to student results, and one of them is the motivation of children and adolescents to learn.

Therefore, it is essential that they perceive school transformations as something positive and that they feel part of the process, which increases engagement in the classroom.

Expose the school’s ideas to students and encourage student feedback. Collect suggestions and encourage student participation in the process. You may be surprised by the results that this action generates in the school environment.

Thus, knowing the current reality of the school, it is possible to create a student performance goal to guide educational practices. This strategy makes your entire team gain clarity about the objectives that must be achieved and, with that, engage in more efficient practices to improve student results.

3. Invest in innovative teaching practices

Desks arranged in a row, one after the other, and teachers teaching lectures at the front of the classroom — sometimes even on a platform. Is this the reality of your institution? So know that it’s time for a change!

The traditional classroom does not suit the needs and desires of the generations that are being born in recent years. Thus, it is essential to invest in innovative teaching practices to improve student performance.

Change the physical environment of the classroom. In addition, place the student as the protagonist of the learning process and invest in cooperation among colleagues to enhance student results. Also allow them to get their hands dirty and give activities that put into practice the knowledge acquired in the classroom.

4. Empower your teaching team

Teachers are primarily responsible for the teaching and learning process in their school and, as a result, interfere with student performance. Therefore, in order to have students who generate significant results, it is essential to have a cutting-edge and qualified teaching team to enhance the learning of children and adolescents.

Invest in the training of teachers at your school. It is important to remember that the team qualification process is not limited to deepening the theoretical knowledge of the professors in the content they teach in the classroom. Training should also develop didactic skills and techniques and to promote student engagement and motivation.

5. Improve communication between parents, guardians, students and the school

Parents and guardians also play a key role in the results of children and adolescents at their institution. Therefore, open the channels of communication with these people and bring them into the school, creating a partnership relationship.

Promote events that include parents, teachers and school administrative staff. Also hold periodic meetings to update those responsible on your school’s classroom practices and methodologies and the performance of children and adolescents.

The more involved, the more likely they are to act as partners with the school in promoting learning, improving the performance of the institution’s students.

Create unions, sports tournaments, science competitions and other activities that help students get more involved in school, inside and outside the classroom. With this, you increase student motivation and engagement, enhancing your results and improving performance.

6. Use technology to your advantage

Don’t forget to use technology as a great ally in the teaching and learning process. In the digital age, students are increasingly connected, and technological tools are part of students’ routine from a very early age.

Therefore, bringing technology to the classroom makes the learning process closer to the reality of students. This enhances your institution’s teaching and improves student performance.

7. Teach students to study

Many students would like to improve their performance in the classroom. However, everyone has a different way of learning and it is difficult to identify this alone.

Therefore, a good strategy to enhance student results is to create activities that teach students to understand the best way to learn for each of them and apply efficient study methodologies for development and learning. In this way, they can act as protagonists of their own education and improve performance as a whole.

With these simple strategies, you are able to improve the performance of your institution’s students in the classroom. In this way, you enhance the development of children and adolescents and increase your school’s brand recognition in society, standing out in the market. This strategy helps to attract and retain students and enhance the results of your institution as a whole.

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