
Strategies for Writing Good Articles


Writing good article

Do you like to write? Have a blog? Interested in publishing your texts? Need extra income? New job opportunities? Improve your writing level? Attract customers or retain others? Stand out from the competition? Reach a vast number of readers? Reveal your knowledge without publishing a book? Then read this article and see how you can write quality texts that reveal your points of view to blog readers. Because, no matter how good your ideas are in terms of content, if you don’t convey them correctly and effectively, you won’t get results, which is the same as saying that you don’t grab readers.

But writing a quality text is not an easy thing because you have – or should have – to combine your (innate) talent for writing with techniques to attract attention and please the reader (who can learn now) and some experience in writing articles. contents (a mixture between innate and acquired).


1. The first paragraph is the most important

Note that you are not writing a book but writing for a blog. Don’t start the text with descriptions and ramblings that annoy readers and make them lose interest in the content right away.

Go straight to the point since the first paragraph is essential to grab readers or not, as well as being equally decisive for search engines.

As it is in the first paragraph that people usually decide whether or not to continue reading, and make the most of it. Make a striking introduction, for example, a summary of what you are going to read next, but only with the fundamental contents of the text.


2. Be direct

Note that you are not writing a poem but writing for a blog. Everything you transmit must be direct and objective. If readers are left with doubts about what you wrote, you have failed miserably. If, on the contrary, they managed to understand everything, it is because he used simple, clear words and a good capacitygood capacity for synthesis and objectivity.

3. Use short sentences and paragraphs

Long sentences don’t work on blogs. Not almost anywhere because they tend to be boring. If you give your readers a sentence of 40 or 50 words, for example, they are more likely to get to the last word without remembering the first. Do not break the reading rhythm with long sentences. And also take advantage of the more concise sentences to convey a sense of order, list facts, and data, and teach something.

On the other hand, you should not use large paragraphs either, as this can cause some visual confusion for readers, eventually dispersing their attention. Do not write more than three paragraphs per point. If you have difficulty doing this, use items, steps, tips, problems, hints, or any other way to organize the topic you are writing about.

Try to use a maximum of 6 lines per paragraph. Also use more separations in your text through commas, periods, and transition words (explained below).

The sentences must be linked together. This means that when a sentence ends with no apparent connection with the previous or subsequent one, it creates a break in the readers’ reasoning, who is lost without knowing how to connect the information.

The solution is never to think of a sentence as an isolated idea but as a continuation of your reasoning.

5. Use transition words

The purpose of a line of text is to make the reader read the next line of text. Thus, you should use transition words, that is, link the sentences with “but”, “for”, “else”, “thus”, “after all”, “therefore”, “however”, etc.

These transition words are common and basic but that doesn’t stop you from using them. Because what matters is that they work. They make the text clearer and more objective and pique the readers’ curiosity to know what’s on the next line.

6. Make a logical sequence

A blog text, like so many other texts, must have a beginning, a middle, and an end. The magic formula for achieving this boils down to the following:

Start by introducing the topic, giving a small idea of   what you are going to talk about without revealing everything;

Explain the reasons why you are writing about that topic;

Calling attention to what can happen to the reader if he does not pay attention to the text (to get the reader’s desire to continue reading);

Reveal the solution to the “problem” you presented through points (so that the reader remains interested and does not make your text monotonous);

Conclude with a succinct summary and a question to generate further comments.

7. Be careful with punctuation

In a blog, you should not abuse ellipsis, exclamation points, and question marks. Some writers love them but on a blog, their texts lose quality if they are abused. Words must reach you to delight readers and say what you have to say.

8. Put questions in the middle of the text

Readers’ receptivity to the topic increases if they can ask questions throughout the text. As if he were talking to them! It makes readers wonder what they’re reading.

But beware, no philosophizing. Ask a question whose answer is obvious, to let the reader understand that he understands the matter.

9. Be careful with repetitions

It is advisable to include keywords in your texts, yes, but repeating them several times is dooming your article to failure. Think about it: what’s the point of having a text that appears in the first places of search engines if no one likes to read it? Strike a balance between keywords and easy reading.

How to write an article for a blog

It’s great to have thousands of followers on your social networks, but even more incredible is having a site with many views that can generate passive income. For your site to be successful, there are some crucial rules, one of the most important of which is, of course, to publish quality content consistently. It might seem like anyone can write a blog article, but the truth is, that doesn’t mean all articles are good. 

Writing content that captivates readers, is optimized, and is understandable to search engines is a task that requires some practice and, above all, planning. The process will become easier and more intuitive with the habit, but it is possible that at first you feel lost, not knowing where to start.

A step-by-step guide to writing a blog article

select a topic

One of the most crucial steps in planning involves defining the topic you are going to write about. Be sensitive to your target audience’s problems, questions, and needs and write articles that address those same issues. Another good alternative is to look for current affairs within, of course, your niche. When choosing an article of this kind, remember: the sooner you write it, the more chances you have of appearing better positioned in search engines.

Choose your keyword

Do a little research on the topic you want to cover and define a keyword phrase. At this stage, you have to be strategic. If you are writing an article about cellulite, you may be tempted to have your article index for the word “cellulite”. However, can you imagine how much content there is with the word “cellulite”? It is more likely to choose a keyword phrase, such as “fight cellulite” or “eliminate cellulite”. 

To help you choose, you can always use tools like Ubersuggest that allow you to see the level of demand for each of these keyword phrases.

Plan the construction of your article

Make a list of ideas that your article should be complete and informative. Why is this important? Because search engines favor long articles that contain all the words associated with the topic. This is very easy to understand with this example: Google knows that a cake takes flour, eggs, and sugar. How? Because the best-performing articles in this category have these words, so new articles with these same words will be privileged. 

The cake doesn’t have flour? It doesn’t matter, when you write “cake without flour” you are including the word in it maintaining the optimization

Write the first draft

Get to work and write the first draft! Pay attention to the punctuation you use and don’t forget to use paragraphs. Especially at the time of article construction, it is imperative to give your reader visual rest. Using paragraphs and spacing automatically makes your article easier to read.

To write a good blog article, don’t forget to review

And when I talk about review, I’m not just talking about reviewing errors. Pays attention to punctuation, sentence construction, and ease of reading and comprehension. Then pay special attention to the key phrase. Try to get a sense of whether you are always using it correctly, always in the same order, and the number of times necessary to be perceived as a key phrase. You can also use synonyms, but in an 800-word article for example, ideally, it should be present at least 5 times.

Finish your article

Use headings to your advantage

Format your article, adding the titles and subtitles you think are necessary. Don’t forget the power of headings in terms of SEO. Using your keyword phrase in titles and subtitles is essential for good search engine performance.

At this stage, also take the opportunity to add links to your article. At the very least, your article should always have an internal link and an external link. An internal link is a link to another page or article within your site, while an external link is a link that directs you to another site. One more tip: direct your external link to safe and reliable pages, however, choose not to link to articles that are competing for the same keyword phrase as you.

Put the images

Finally, don’t forget to end your article with images. Very important: the images must have the keyword in the alt text and the file name. It is also advisable that they are not too big or compressed, so as not to compromise the opening speed of your page. There is also an image to text ratio included in the rules for writing a good blog article. For example, an article of up to 700 words can have up to two images.

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