
8 tips to improve relationships in the digital environment

8 tips to improve relationships in the digital environment


Technology has changed the way companies relate to their customers, making the need to invest in good communication more evident, whether in the first contact, during the purchase, or after-sales. Customer experience is even more essential in times of fierce competition, with brands and services offering quality products at competitive prices. Therefore, brands and companies that invest in the development of a good relationship with the customer take a step forward in the dispute for the lead. And, nowadays, it is not enough to dispute it, it is necessary to maintain it. 

Digital presence has transformed the way customers talk to companies. There are many options ranging from the website, phone, sales channel, handrails to social networks. Creating a structure for this contact to be improved and efficient is the first step to improving relationships in the digital environment. 

Below, I’ve listed eight tips for you to improve your relationship in the digital environment.


1 – Digital presence

I start with the most important, the basics of communication in the online environment. Your business needs to be on all or at least the most important digital platforms to establish a customer relationship. With diversified means, where your customer can find you in the digital environment, your company will be more exposed and this will help in contact and even in the creation of new business opportunities.

2 – Omnichannel

The omnichannel strategy helps to improve the user experience with your brand and to drive the relationship with customers through different sales channels. Aligning communication in these environments will generate more expressive results because through them it will be possible to build solid communication offering customer reception in any communication channel.


3 – Prioritize the customer

The customer may not always be right, but he needs to be heard. Consumers need to feel that the company is listening to them to solve problems, receive criticism or suggestions and clarify doubts. Therefore, the team must be prepared to respond in a personalized and cordial manner. Adjust your team so that this return is in the shortest possible period in solving any problem and in all the channels that your company makes available. This will help improve the customer experience.

4 – Automation

With well-spread channels, it is possible to automate customer service and contact services to improve the digital environment and streamline processes. With several tools, it is possible to establish an automated means of communication, through data storage platforms, via telephone, text messages, WhatsApp, emails, etc. Thus, it is possible to manage and create a long-term relationship, helping to always keep in touch with customers. Implementing a relationship management tool, such as CRM, can be essential for your business to promote integration between the customer and the company.

5 – Language

Having an identity is essential to bring your brand closer to the customer and thus retain them. Therefore, in communication, establish your company’s language, this will help to further consolidate the experience provided through service in the digital environment. Remember that the company’s language is linked to its values, goals,d consumer profile. Thus, it is possible to define whether your company should use more casual, conversational, or formal communication.

6 – Mobile

Observe your audience and see where the greatest demand for contact with your company comes from. We know that most communication is mobile, so invest in updating your channels to make them mob mobile-friendly with optimization, it will be possible to make your customer’s life easier so that they can get in touch and maintain noise-free communication at any time, whether via chat or voice call.

7 – Empathy

We have already talked about the need to solve consumer problems in the shortest possible time, paying attention to their needs. But it is worth noting how essential it is that you put yourself in the customer’s shoes and imagine how you would like to be treated. Feeling good about communication to solve a possible problem will strengthen the client’s connection with your business, reducing mistrust in communication. Thus, it will be possible to enchant him and receive referrals. 

8 – Evaluation

In marketing, evaluation is always necessary. Never let go of the information your customers can give you about the pains of contacting your business. Remember that many customers leave companies and look for others because they think you don’t care about them. Be open to criticism, do routine surveys about their satisfaction with your business, giving e them a voice, so they can indicate what needs to be changed. It’s a way to impact the customer journey.

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